Nose Skin Care

Bumps on Nose

Skin needs care to keep its healthy glow. Skin care products should be used with caution because they can sometimes harm your skin than help it. When the skin doesn’t get clean properly it can accumulate oil and dead cells, resulting in a cyst or bumps.

 These bumps are hard to get rid of.  They do not ache or have red circles around them but they do look bad with or without makeup nonetheless.

So, What are They Called and What’s Underneath Them?

They are known as Milia. Milia are cyst that are non-inflamed seemingly harmless cysts. It’s easy to distinguish milia from common acne or pimples as they do not have redness and they do not itch. Milia has keratin trapped underneath it. This occurs when the skin gets sun burn or it doesn’t get exfoliate regularly.


Before setting to treat it, you need to be sure it is milia, consult a dermatologist. Skin isn't something you should take a risk with. Milia takes as long as a year to fade on its own. You can get certain prescribed products like topical retinoids and glycolic acid or you can get the milia extracted by a dermatologist.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just checking in to see if you were you able to remove these bumps? Thanks in advance for your response.


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