Comedones Skin Care
Closed Comedones
Who likes a bumpy skin, am sure no one does, every one
wishes for a smooth, clear and glowing skin? The pesky littles bumps are mostly
blocked or clogged pores. These aren’t just bumps, they are actually a form of
acne. They are called comedones.
These can easily be confused with Milia as they are hard to
get rid of and they do not hurt as well. The difference is that the dead skin
cells as well as oil gets trap not underneath the skin, but in a hair follicle.
When this all gets trapped the follicle swells and doubles in size. Problem
arises when bacteria invades or the upper wall cracks these can become inflamed
What Causes This?
Not everyone gets acne, some get more and some never gets
acne, but almost everyone experiences closed comedones at some point in their
life. They are more common in teens than adults. The only exceptions are adults
with oily skin, they get more closed comedones than others.
These natural occurrences are the only things that contribute to
the closed comedones, the creams and lotion may also be a huge factor as well
as oil-based makeup is a huge cause too.
How To Treat it?
exfoliate regularly to get rid of these closed comedones, as they really make the skin look flawed and uneven.
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