Aging Skin Care

Anti-Aging Skin Care 

Aging is a big concern nowadays because no one wants to lose that youthful skin and fresh looks. With age, skin loses its elasticity and does not remain the same. It becomes thinner and loses the plump and smoothness.  The biggest problem with aging is that scars, bruises or pimples take ages to heal.

Eye cream serums, anti-aging creams and other products can help a lot in reducing the signs of aging. But healthy skin care habits are mandatory to help the skin stay in balance. If you just apply the creams and your habits are to smoke, drink less water, or no exercise then there is a great chance you will get aging even before hand.

How the Skin Loses its Charm

  • ·         When you do not drink enough water
  • ·         Too much sun exposure and not wearing sunscreen
  • ·         Being in very cold dry environment
  • ·         Smoking
  • ·         Taking stress
  • ·         With age, we tend to lose oil and sweat glands

Anti-Aging Skin Care Recommendations

We have gathered a list of ant aging tips which you can add in your daily routine to stay youthful. Years of research are the result of these key recommendations.

Sun protection

It is a very well-known fact that sun rays increase aging signs. Sun rays play major role in increasing the age. It is so damaging that this phenomenon is properly termed as “photo aging”. Sun rays also cause premature aging for people with very fair complexion.

Try to stay in shade

Try to go in sun when your shadow appears to be shorter than you, try to avoid sun between 10 am to 2 pm.

Cover yourself up

When you go in sun, try to wear big hat, gloves, full pants and full sleeves.  Wear sunglasses as it helps in protecting the eyes from fine lines and wrinkles.

Sunscreen should be on top list

Try to wear sunscreen on the skin areas which are not protected by clothing. Make sure the sun screen is dermatologist recommended.

Make use of moisturizer

With age, our skin becomes drier and it causes early aging signs. To avoid the dry skin, make sure to apply moisturizer on face, body and lips.

Quit smoking

Smoking increases the level of tobacco in the body which is the reason of smoker’s face. The common symptoms of smoker’s face are dull complexion with no firmness of skin. Avoid it as possible as you can, to not augment the fine lines and wrinkles.

Eat healthy foods

Make sure to eat fruits, vegetables and proteins as it ensures to make the skin elastic and supple.

Get enough beauty sleep

Sleep ensures your skin renewal and refreshes it, so make sure to get enough sleep to have an active day and skin.

Benefits of skin care habits

  • ·         It prevents dry and dull complexion
  • ·         It keeps the skin firm for long time
  • ·         Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • ·         Keep the tone brighter
  • ·         Reduces risk of skin diseases

Start your active skin care routine from today, to avoid the aging process and stay youthful as longer as you can.

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