Skin Care Herbs

Skin Care Herbs

You definitely realize that numerous food herbs can keep your skin and hair perfect;  your favorite herbs can contain astounding advantages for your looks. Discover how garlic enables your hair to develop strong, peppers battle wrinkles, turmeric heals you, cinnamon reboots,  and green tea spares you from sun harm.

Herbs may perform a fundamental job in bringing the taste to your meal, yet these common marvels can fix your healthy skin care routine. Numerous herbs contain high amounts of cancer prevention agents, calming operators, and supplements for your skin and hair.

Read on to figure out how herbs and flavors can battle wrinkles, relieve redness, and keep your skin sparkling.

Cinnamon for flawless skin

Cinnamon has antioxidants which helps your skin to reboot. Antioxidants are known to care for the skin against any damage.  For an instant antioxidant boost, sprinkle half a teaspoon to your coffee or tea. It adds aroma to the drink and as fulfills your need of antioxidant as well.

Garlic for hair

While garlic may be destroyer for your breath, it's a rescuer for your hair. Your hair follicles need rich nutrients to produce thick, healthy hair. Your hair pays the price, when you are not eating the right herbs.  Garlic has an amino acid that can help revive your follicles, which gives strength to your hair and makes them grow longer.

Green tea as a sun block

Green tea has a high concentrate of catechins, which has strong antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects on skin. green tea has an healing effect which heals your wounds quickly by thickening the epidermis. It also makes the skin tone even, by killing the UV ray'ss effects on skin, with its powerful healing nutrients.

Hot pepper to fight fine lines and wrinkles

Hot peppers like chili, paprika, cayenne, and jalapeño do more than adding spice in your meal. These peppers have Vitamins A and C, which help battle free radicals, stopping the failure of collagen to maintain the glow of our skin. The colorful peppers also have capsaicin, which performe as  a sunscreen to protect the skin from damage of UV rays.

Turmeric for healing

Turmeric has been  in use  for thousands of years, due to its powerful qualities. This herb has high concentration of the antioxidant curcumin which is anti-inflammatory for skin. Research has proved that curcumin also helps in  fighting with  melanoma when turmeric is applied on skin. Curcumin contains angiogenesis, which helps in cleaning the blood vessels to fights against the toxins, improving the skin texture. You can add a pinch of turmeric in milk, as it is very healthy way to enhance the tone of your skin. It can be applied externally for maximum benefits.

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