Skin Care Hygiene

Easy Methods for Skincare Hygiene

Skincare hygiene is the most significant step to attain healthy skin. Glowing and flawless skin is not impossible to get. If you look around you, you will find out millions of people with very captivating skins and extra glow. Do you think they all go through extra expensive treatments regularly? No, not at all! They neither visit dermatologists frequently nor do they invest heavy amounts on skin care products. Do you want to know the beauty secret of healthy and glowing skin?

Skin Hygiene is the secret of flawless skin! It is a powerful tool that can fight against a lot of skin problems alone. You must be thinking about how to maintain good skin hygiene. We have compiled some easy and quick skin hygiene methods and tips for you. They will brighten up your life and your skin of course!

The Skin Cleansing

Skin cleansing is the most important way to maintain skin hygiene. You have to be careful while cleaning your skin. Neither is too gentle that you miss out all the dust and drab on the surface of skin nor be too harsh that you ended up after scratching your own skin. We have a simple method for skin cleansing that will be helpful for you

    Take Luke warm water and wash your face, hands, and feet thoroughly.
    Take a sponge and rub it gently on your ankles, elbows, and knees.
    Use any beauty soup either suggested by a dermatologist or tested by you previously, to wash your face and hands.
    Don’t use anti-bacterial soaps directly on your face unless they are recommended by any medical expert.
    Wash your face at least two times in a single day.
    Clean your foot nails carefully as they easily trap a lot of dust and debris.
    Be gentle while cleaning your face as the facial skin is sensitive and don’t bear a little rub even.

The Gentle Moisturizing

Moisturizers help to maintain skin hygiene by making a thin layer on the skin that protects the skin from many foreign particles. Although there are many moisturizers already available in the market if you want to get a piece of expert advice that is better. Ask your dermatologist to suggest a good moisturizer.

    Apply the moisturizer twice a day.
    Don’t apply thick layers of the moisturizer rather apply a thin layer and let it absorb in your skin.
    Don’t rub your skin a lot after applying a moisturizer.
    For moisturizing your lips, use high-quality lip balms and petroleum jellies as they are very beneficial for lips.
    Use hand creams for moisturizing your hands and keep them in your handbag so that you could apply it again and again.

The Makeup Removing Procedure

To maintain good skin hygiene, it is very necessary to remove the makeup carefully. If you sleep with your make up on, it will definitely destroy your skin. Especially the mascaras and lash glues we use should be removed before going to bed. Follow the below-given steps to remove the makeup;

    Don’t wash your face directly with the water if you are wearing makeup.
    First of all, remove all the extensions like lashes and take out your lens.
    Now take a quality makeup remover and cotton balls, cotton tissues or wipes to clean your face. Pour out little amount of makeup remover on the wipes or cotton tissues and clean all the makeup.
    After cleansing with makeup remover, now wash your face with Luke warm water
    Dry your face gently and apply a good moisturizer
    Clean your lashes and eyebrows carefully and make sure to remove all the mascaras.
    Also, apply a lip balm after removing your makeup.

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