Milia Skin Care

Colorless Pimple and How to to Get Rid of Them 

Colorless pimple not going away!!
“My skin is perfect”, said nobody ever. To make your skin perfect you have to work for it. The most common hindrance in accomplishing healthy and glowing skin are colorless pimples.

What are colorless pimples?

These bumps or pimples don't belong to the acne family, they are like these hard bumps that are skin colored, hard to get rid of. You can’t even pop them. They are a huge obstacle in achieving clear and smooth skin. They seem like a bad skin rash or allergy. They aren’t pimple, they are “Milia” (a tiny cyst). Unlike acne milia has keratin stored inside it. How to get rid of them is the big question.
Well, we have the answer, but first,

How are they caused?

When you skin is doing a poor job of exfoliating, the dead skin cells accumulate and form this hard-colorless cysts called Milia. Sun Damage or heavy use of cream are also huge contributors.

How to get rid of them?

Its not easy to get rid of these, the solution is consulting an expert dermatologist. They have proper and safe chemicals and treatments like derma-planing, chemical peel or microdermabrasion. You can also consult the dermatologist about micro needling for Milia as well.

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